Pentecost 2020: the
Birth of the Body, the Church May 31, 2020
We are celebrating today when the Holy Spirit was
given out to the Body of Jesus and the Start of the New Testament Church.
The Feast of Pentecost (means 50), also known as Feast of Shavuot,
or Feast of Harvest or Feast of Weeks.
Pentecost is the festival when
Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and it is celebrated on the
Sunday 50 days after the Wave Sheaf Offering during the Passover season.
Leviticus 23:15 Starting the day
after the Sabbath, count for yourselves seven weeks from the day you
brought the sheaf
of wave offering. They are to be complete.
Leviticus 23:21 "On the same
day proclaim a sacred
assembly for yourselves. You are not
to do any servile work--and this is to be an eternal ordinance wherever you
live throughout your generations.
Exodus 34:22 "You are to observe the
Festival of Weeks, the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the
Festival of Ingathering at the turn of the year.
After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples
and instructed them to do what:
Luke 24:48-49 You are witnesses of
these things. (49) I am sending to you what my Father promised, so stay here in the
city until you have been clothed with
power from on high."
Acts 1:2-3 up to the day when
he was taken up
to heaven after giving orders by the
Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. (3) After he had suffered, he had
shown himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during
a period of 40
days and telling them about the
kingdom of God.
Acts 1:4-5 While he was meeting
with them, he ordered them, "Don't leave Jerusalem. Instead, wait for what the
Father has promised, about which you heard me speak. (5) For John baptized with
water, but you
will be baptized with the Holy Spirit a few days from now."
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
Acts 1:15 At that time Peter
got up among the brothers (there were about 120 people present) and said,
For 40 days Jesus was with them, after which he ascended
to heaven.
Remember, From Passover to Pentecost was 50 days, so they
waited 10 days until Pentecost in Jerusalem as they were told.
They stayed in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit Descends on them.
Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost was being
celebrated, all of them were together in one place.
they do this for the nine days leading up to celebrate Pentecost as their
custom was.
Acts 2:2 Suddenly, a sound
like the roar of a mighty windstorm came
from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Acts 2:3 They saw tongues like flames
of fire that separated, and one rested on each of them.
Acts 2:4 All of them were filled with the
Holy Spirit and began to speak in
other languages as the Spirit gave them that ability.
The Power of the Holy Spirit, came to the 120, Jesus
considered this a baptism for His followers at
the time and a laying of Jesus hands on them and
becoming the first of many in the Body of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit enable the disciples to speak in foreign
Acts 2:5 Now God-fearing Jews from
every nation were living in Jerusalem.
Acts 2:6 When that sound
came, a crowd quickly gathered, startled because each one heard the disciples speaking
in his own language.
Acts 2:7 Stunned and amazed,
they asked, "All of these people who are speaking are
Galileans, aren't they?
{Galileans? Did Jesus sound like
Acts 2:8 So how is it that each one of us
hears them speaking in his own native
language: {miracle}
Acts 2:9-11 Parthians, Medes,
Elamites, residents of Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, (10)
Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the district of Libya near Cyrene, Jewish and
proselyte visitors from Rome, (11) Cretans, and Arabs, listening to them talk in our own languages about the great deeds of God?" {or great deeds, wonders, wonderful works,
of God}
Acts 2:12 All of them
continued to be stunned and puzzled, and they kept asking one another, "What can this mean?"
Acts 2:13 But others kept
saying in derision, "They're drunk on sweet
sermon is not about the Holy Spirit, it is about the Son of God, Jesus, and answers their question of “What can this
mean What meanest this?”
Acts 2:14 Then Peter stood up among the eleven apostles and raised his voice to address
them: "Men of Judea and everyone living in Jerusalem! You must understand something, so pay close attention to
my words.
Eleven other apostles
besides Peter. Peter with the other apostles begins the gospel sermon to the
Jews as a witness. Did they see or hear Jesus?
Acts 2:15 These men are not drunk as you suppose, for it's only nine o'clock in the morning.
Jews scarcely ever ate or drank, for that hour was the hour of prayer was their
Acts 2:16 Rather, this is what
was spoken through the prophet Joel:
Peter had to know the
Scriptures from memory. {Joel 2:28-32}
Acts 2:17 'In the last days,
God says, I will pour out My Spirit on everyone. Your sons and your daughters will
prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream
dreams. {My Spirit}
Last Days: Is this the start of the Last Days. Workers
will receive the Spirit.
Acts 2:18 In those days I will
even pour out my Spirit on my slaves, men and women alike, and they will prophesy.
Workers will receive the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:19 I will display wonders in the sky
above and signs on the earth below: blood,
fire, and clouds of smoke.
Earth beneath: miracles done by Christ, and his apostles, on
Acts 2:20 The sun will become
dark, and the moon
turn to blood, before the coming of the great and glorious Day of the Lord.
Day of the Lord: This is obviously speaking of very end time
Acts 2:21 Then whoever calls on
the name of the Lord will be saved.'
verse destroys Jewish prejudice. Not only just Jewish, but also the Gentiles, can be saved.
Acts 2:22 "Fellow Israelis, listen to these words:
Jesus from
Nazareth was a man attested to you by God through miracles, wonders, and signs that God performed through him in your midst, as you
yourselves know.
begins to preach
Jesus directly to them. Jesus is the primary subject (not the Holy Spirit). They were there and saw it all.
Acts 2:23 After he was arrested according to the predetermined plan and foreknowledge
of God, you
crucified this very man and killed him by the hands of lawless men.
Gospel: have crucified, and put to death;
Acts 2:24 But God raised him up and
put an end to
suffering of death, since it was impossible for him to be held by
raised Jesus up
Acts 2:25 For David says about him, 'I always keep my eyes on the Lord, for he is at my right hand so that I
cannot be shaken.
Acts 2:26 That is why my heart is glad and my tongue
rejoices, yes, even my body still rests securely in hope.
Acts 2:27 For you will not
abandon my soul to Hades or allow your Holy One to experience decay.
Acts 2:28 You have made the Ways of Life
known to me, and you will fill me with gladness in your presence.'
Death and Resurrection
Acts 2:29 "Brothers, I can tell you confidently
that the patriarch David died and was buried, and that his tomb is
among us to this day.
is really dead and is asleep or
Acts 2:30 Therefore, since he was a prophet and knew
that God had promised him with an oath to put one of his descendants
on his throne,
God had sworn: God promise, God would raise up
Christ to sit on David throne”: When?
Acts 2:31 he looked ahead and spoke about the
resurrection of the Messiah: 'He was
not abandoned to Hades, and his flesh did not experience decay.' {5 days}
Acts 2:32 "It was this very Jesus whom God raised, and of that we are all
We are all
witnesses: of his resurrection,
they (whole 120) having seen him, and heard him, and ate, and drank, and
conversed with him since his resurrection, attest this great truth.
Acts 2:33 He has been exalted to the right hand of God, has received from
the Father the promised
Holy Spirit, and has caused you to experience what you are seeing and hearing.
is at the right hand of the Father, is why you see and hear now the Holy Spirit
and is a proof of Jesus.
Acts 2:34 For David did not go up to heaven, but he said, 'The
Lord told my Lord, "Sit at my right hand,
Father told Jesus to sit at His right hand and involved with ruler ship
Acts 2:35 until I make your enemies
your footstool."'
Enemies your
footstool: When the work of Jesus
has ended and Jesus has conquered all, then all power is given up to the Father
Psalms 110:1 A Davidic psalm. A
declaration from the LORD to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make
your enemies your footstool."
had just established himself as the final Lord, King and Priest over the world.
Acts 2:36 "Therefore, let
all the people of Israel understand beyond a doubt that God made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both
Lord and Messiah!"
is the theme of
Peter’s sermon. This is the key Wording in this sermon: Jesus is Lord and Messiah {Christ}! (Isa 53; Isa 61).
Acts 2:37 When the crowd that had gathered heard this, they were pierced
to the heart. They asked Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what
should we do?" {many
have heard Jesus personally in the last 3.5 years}
They realize their sins, and were pierced through
their hearts with sorrow,
crowd asked a good question: What shall
we do
Acts 2:38 Peter answered them,
"Every one of you must repent and be baptized
in the name of
Jesus the Messiah for the forgiveness
of your sins. Then you will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift.
Acts 2:39 For this promise
belongs to you and your children, as well as to all those who are distant, whom the Lord our
God may call to himself."
Acts 2:40 Using many different
expressions, Peter
continued to testify and to plead
with them, saying, "Be saved from this corrupt generation!"
2:41 So those who welcomed his message were baptized. That day about
3,000 people were added to their number.
church increased by 25 times, from 120 to 3000.
It will be as if we would go from 9 to 225 overnight.
in Peter’s own words he is acknowledging that Jesus call is not only to Jews,
but to Gentiles, although it takes him awhile before he realizes that he is
supposed to go to the Gentiles also. {it took 10 years? and some nudging}
was the first Sermon given by Peter.
Take time to think about it, mediate about it and thank God we are
called to be part of the Body.
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