Mark 6:35-56 Unbelief
of Jesus Disciples April 14, 2018
God takes unbelief seriously. So should we. Chapter 6 Outline. This is what is covered in Chapter 6
• The
Unbelief of His Friends Mark
• The
Unbelief of His Enemies Mark
• The Unbelief
of His Disciples Mark
Jesus Feeds the Five
Mark 6:34 When he got out of the
boat, he saw a large crowd. He had compassion for them, because they were like
sheep without a shepherd, and he began to teach them many things.
This happen around the
Passover time – March/April.
Mark 6:35 When it was quite late, his disciples came to
him and said, "This is a deserted place, and it's already late.
*Luke 9:12 As the day was drawing to a
close, the Twelve came to him and said, "Send the crowd away to the
neighboring villages and farms so they can rest and get some food, because we
are here in a deserted place."
Mark 6:36
Send the crowds away so that they can go to the neighboring farms and villages
and buy themselves something to eat."
day is almost gone. It is drawing near night.
So they are out in the
boondocks and a large crowd at the end of the day.
*John 6:5-6 When Jesus looked up and
saw that a large crowd was coming toward him, he asked Philip, "Where can
we buy bread for these people to eat?" (6) Jesus said this to test him,
because he himself knew what he was going to do. (Notice, to test Philip)
Mark 6:37 But he answered them, "You give them
something to eat. "They asked him, "Should we go and buy 200 denarii
worth of bread and give it to them to eat?" (they have a crowd and no one has a budget)
*Luke 9:13 But he told them, "You
give them something to eat. "They replied, "We have nothing more than
five loaves of bread and two fish--unless we go and buy food for all these
The amount required to
purchase that much bread equates to about a 2/3 to a year’s wages.
Denarii: the
Roman penny is the daily pay of a Roman soldier in the time of Christ.
*John 6:7
Philip answered him, "Two hundred denarii worth of bread isn't enough for
each of them to have a little."
Mark 6:38 He
asked them, "How many loaves of bread do you have? Go and see. "They
found out and told him, "Five loaves and two fish."
Someone little boy brought
their lunch. Did it take faith of the
person who had the fish and bread to give to Jesus.
It was the disciple Andrew
who discovered a lad who apparently had brought his lunch.
*John 6:8-9 One of his disciples,
Andrew, who was Simon Peter's brother, told him, (9) "There's a little boy
here who has five barley loaves and two small fish. But what are these among so
many people?"
Is this another test of
the disciples faith yet again.
Mark 6:39
Then he ordered them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass.
grass: is
inserted by Mark alone, in his usual graphic way. Green
grass: Only Mark includes this scenic detail.
Why green grass, a deeper meaning. What does it tell us - Time of year,
not desert, etc?
*John 6:4 Now the Passover, the
festival of the Jews, was near. (this happen before Passover – March or April)
*John 6:10 Jesus said, "Have the
people sit down." Now there was plenty of grass in that area, so they sat
down, numbering about 5,000 men.
*Matthew 14:21 Now those who had eaten were about 5,000 men, besides
women and children.
Mark 6:40 So
they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties.
many different guess on how they sat down:
fifty or 100 in rank or depth, and a hundred or 50 in file or front?
They had to serve them.
*Luke 9:14 Now there were about 5,000 men. So he told his disciples,
"Have them sit down in groups of about 50."
*Luke 9:15 They did this and got all of them seated.
Mark 6:41
Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and blessed
them. Then he broke the loaves in pieces and kept giving them to his disciples to set before the people. He also
divided the two fish among them all.
*Matthew 14:19 Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass.
Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and blessed
them. Then he broke the loaves in pieces
and gave them to his disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.
*John 6:11 Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and
distributed them to those who were seated. He also distributed as much fish as
they wanted.
*Luke 9:16 Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up
to heaven and blessed them. Then he broke the loaves in pieces and kept giving
them to the disciples to pass on to the crowd.
Multiplication of the loaves took place in Jesus' hands as He continued or kept
on giving the bread and fish to the disciples. Did they had the basket then.
Mark 6:42 All of them ate and were filled.
*Luke 9:17 All of them ate and were filled. When they collected
the leftover pieces, there were twelve baskets.
Mark 6:43 Then the disciples picked up twelve baskets
full of leftover bread and fish. (why 12
baskets - left-over basket for each disciple)
Twelve baskets - These
were either the baskets belonging to the disciples which they carried their
provisions, or baskets belonging to some of the multitude, who might have
brought some with them to carry provisions, or other things necessary for the
sick, whom they brought to Christ to be healed.
14:20 All
of them ate and were filled. Then the disciples picked up what was left of the
broken pieces, twelve baskets full.
*John 6:12
When they were completely satisfied, Jesus told his disciples, "Collect
the pieces that are left over so that nothing
is wasted." (Why nothing
*Luke 9:17 All of them ate and were filled. When they collected
the leftover pieces, there were twelve baskets.
The lesson in faith for the disciples is that
Jesus is the source of their sustenance.
Mark 6:44 There were 5,000 men who had eaten the
It was Jewish practice to
number a crowd by the number of men.
Besides women and children: Assuming at least an equal number of women and
children—having used one of their
lunches!—the total was twice what is commonly taught: 5,000 + 5,000 =
10,000? And
—the total was twice what
is commonly taught: 5,000 + 5,000 = 10,000+?
Jesus Walks on the Water, on the Lake
*John 6:14-15 When the people saw the sign that he had done, they
kept saying, "Truly this is the Prophet who was to come into the
world!" (15) Then Jesus, realizing
that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king,
withdrew again to the hillside by himself.
(a miracle, Jesus sent them away, both disciples and people)
Truly this is the Prophet:
*Deuteronomy 18:15 "The LORD your
God will raise up a prophet like me for you from among your relatives. You must
listen to him.
*John 6:16-17 When evening came, his
disciples went down to the sea, (17) got into a boat, and started across the
sea to Capernaum. Darkness had already fallen, and Jesus had not yet come to
Mark 6:45
Jesus immediately had his disciples
get into a boat and cross to Bethsaida ahead of him, while he sent the crowd away. (by
*Matthew 14:22 Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the
boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.
Notice the disciples were
made to get into the boat. They did not
want to go without Him. Wonder how He
did it. People wanted to make Him king.
Mark 6:46
After saying goodbye to them, he
went upon a mountain to pray.
*Matthew 14:23 After dismissing the
crowds, he went up on a hillside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was
there alone.
He retired to the mountain alone - Having ordered
his disciples to cross over the lake. He
said goodbye?
In the previous storm, He
was with them. This time He was on the
mountain praying for them. He was teaching them to live by faith. He sent
them in the ship alone. We know Jesus is
in Heaven praying and interceding for each of us.
Mark 6:47
When evening had come, the boat was
in the middle of the sea, while he
was alone on the land. (It was now dark, and Jesus has not gone to them)
*John 6:16-17 When evening came, his
disciples went down to the sea, (17) got into a boat, and started across the
sea to Capernaum. Darkness had already fallen, and Jesus had not yet come to
14:24-25 By this time the boat was in the middle of the sea and was being
battered by the waves, because the wind was against them. (25) Shortly before
dawn Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.
Mark 6:48 He (Jesus) saw that his disciples were straining at the oars, because the wind
was against them. Shortly before dawn about the fourth watch of the night he came
to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by. (only walking – another test to the disciple
These professional fishermen
were concerned that they might be swamped and working hard with the oars. Jesus observed the distress the disciples were in. Did
Jesus walk fast or normal to the boat.
Probably tired after 3 miles. Fourth watch: 3 - 6 AM.
*John 6:18-19 A strong wind was blowing,
and the sea was getting rough. (19) After they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea toward their boat. They became terrified.
Mark 6:49 but when they saw him walking on the sea,
they thought it was a ghost and
began to scream.
*Matthew 14:26 When the disciples saw
him walking on the sea, they were terrified and cried out, "It's a ghost!" And they screamed
in terror.
Did you realize the
disciples believe in ghost? Did Jesus
confirm it?
*Luke 24:37-39 They were startled and terrified, thinking they
were seeing a ghost. (38) But Jesus
told them, "What's frightening you? And why are you doubting? (39) Look at
my hands and my feet, because it's really me. Touch me and look at me, because a ghost doesn't have flesh and
bones as you see that I have."
Walking upon the sea: Interesting
side, this event is not recorded. Mark (wrote for Peter, really is Peter Gospel)
omits the story of Peter attempting to join Jesus. To embarrassing Peter? Only Matthew has it.
14:28-32 Peter answered him,
"Lord, if it's you, order me to come to you on the water." (29) Jesus
said, "Come on!" So Peter got down out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came
to Jesus. (30) But when he noticed the strong wind, he was frightened. As he
began to sink, he shouted, "Lord, save me!" (31) At once Jesus
reached out his hand, caught him, and asked him, "You who have so little faith, why did you
doubt?" (32) As they got into the boat, the wind stopped blowing.
Mark 6:50 All of
them saw him and were terrified. Immediately he told them, "Have
courage! It is I. Stop being afraid!"
*John 6:20 But he told them, "It is
I. Stop being afraid!"
Mark 6:51
Then he got into the boat with them, and the wind stopped blowing. The
disciples were utterly astounded,
*John 6:21
So they were glad to take him on board, and immediately the boat reached the land toward which they were going.
14:32-33 As they got into the boat, the wind stopped blowing. (33) Then the
men in the boat began to worship Jesus, saying, "You certainly are the Son
of God!"
Interesting, we just had 3
miracles done.
(1) In the darkness Jesus saw the disciples
out in the storm miles away.
(2) Jesus walked on the water.
(3) Jesus showed complete control over His
creation when the wind
Mark 6:52
because they didn't understand the significance of the loaves. Instead, their
hearts were hardened.
This is most disturbing to
me. Feeding the 5000 plus, did they just forgot this miracle and lost their
faith so fast. But aren’t we also
Even a disciple of Jesus can be slow to understand His
power and fail to respond to the spiritual lessons that must be learned in the
course of our walk in the Christian life.
If we really understand
who He is, none of these narratives are surprising. A lot of time, I do not
think we really understand who Jesus really is by our actions.
Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret
Mark 6:53 When they had crossed over, they came ashore
at Gennesaret and anchored the boat.
*Matthew 14:34 They crossed over and
came ashore at Gennesaret.
This land was on the west
side of the Sea of Galilee. Use anchors,
must be fairly large ship or tied to the land with rope.
Mark 6:54 As
soon as they got out of the boat, the people recognized Jesus.
14:35 When
the men of that place recognized Jesus,
they sent word throughout that region
and brought him everyone who was sick.
The people knew who Jesus was, having
seen and heard him before.
Mark 6:55 They ran all over the countryside and began carrying the sick on their mats to any
place where they heard he was.
Words gets around and every
place Jesus goes is healing individuals.
Mark 6:56 Wherever he went, whether into villages,
towns, or farms, people would place their sick in the marketplaces and beg him
to let them touch even the tassel of his garment, and everyone who touched it
was healed.
14:36 They kept begging him to let them touch just the tassel of his
garment, and everyone who touched it was completely healed.
Again, the borders of the
garments were a target.
When people say, “Have
faith!” That is an empty suggestion unless it is faith in Jesus!
Faith Does Not Save Us, we
are saved not by our faith, but by the One in whom we trust. It is Jesus who
saves us.
*Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance
that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see
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