Monday, May 26, 2014

Israel’s decline

Israel’s decline
When I look at the decline of the Nation of Israel and then the division of the nation into two separate nations, the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah, I do see a parallel and same thing happening to the United States or probably all English speaking people on the earth.  We saw from the Scriptures how the two kingdoms change the law of God (Jesus, our Creator and Spokesman) was changed from celebrating the Feasts of the Lord to pagan (Satan) holidays and following the 10 Commandments.  That is what has happen today to our beloved United States, the laws that Jesus gave us, we are not following what we were told by command, instruction and example that Jesus gave us and that is what happen to the two kingdoms.  Jesus told us that the only way we can show love to Him and the Father is by obeying His commands.  We know by the fruits (actions or what they do in life) we can know about individuals if they truly love God or not.  Oh, how I wish our individuals who are call by Jesus name would repent and follow His teachings.

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